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朱军辉,程春蕊 (郑州航空工业管理学院 数理系 河南 郑州 450015) 
中文关键词:运筹学  多期决策  变分不等式  均衡模型  直销
A Multi-period Supply Chain Network Equilibrium Model with Direct Marketing
Abstract:A three-level competitive supply chain network was presented, in which both time and inventory are considered. We analyzed the multi-period independent decisions of the manufactures, retailers and demand markets as well as the effect of their interaction. Each level's equilibrium model and the whole supply chain network equilibrium model were obtained by variational inequality. The equilibrium conditions of the supply chain network were given. A numerical example was given and solved. The establishment of the supply chain network dynamic equilibrium model has better applicability and universality, which provides the decision-making basis and decision-making method for the stability and the long-term equilibrium of the supply chain.
keywords:operations research  multiperio decision-making  variational inequality  equilibrium model  direct marketing
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