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杨再贵 (中央财经大学 中国精算研究院/保险学院,北京 海淀 100081) 
中文关键词:数量经济学  精算应计负债  社保精算  基本养老保险
Actuarial Accrued Liability of the Basic Old-age Insurance for Government and Public Institution Employees
Abstract:By establishing actuarial model through a parallelogram framework, this paper measured the actuarial accrued liability of the basic old-age insurance for government and public institution employees at the beginning of 2015. Raising the retirement age, interest rate, contribution rate and salary growth rate will decrease the actuarial accrued liability, where the effect of the retirement age is very much strong and that of the interest rate is very strong. Raising the benefit yearly growth rate, work-age salary growth rate and age-linked-benefit growth rate will increase the actuarial accrued liability, where the effect of the benefit yearly growth rate is very strong.. To control the scale of actuarial accrued liability, it is necessary to moderately postpone retirement, to raise the yield rate of investment and salary growth rate by innovations. With these measures, the contribution rate can be reduced.
keywords:quantitative economics  actuarial accrued liability  social security actuarial  basic old-age insurance
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