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费威 (东北财经大学 经济学院,辽宁省 大连市116025) 
中文关键词:食品安全  检测水平  质量安全惩罚  决策分析
Analysis on the Retailer with the Dominant Right of the Quality Safety Penalty and Supplier’s Decisions of Food Safety Inspection
Abstract:The optimal model on the food quality safety inspection level of a retailer with the dominant right of the quality safety penalty and a supplier was built to analyze the decisions of the quality and safety inspection level in the modes of independent dispersion and cooperative integration for the test of food safety and quality. And the influence of the retailer’s quality safety penalty amount for the supplier on the inspection level was discussed. The main conclusion shows that,when the quality safety penalty amount from the supplier to the retailer is relative higher, the quality safety inspection level of the supplier and the retailer would increase by the penalty amount. Finally, the countermeasures were provided in order to strengthen the food quality safety inspection in China.
keywords:food safety  inspection level  quality safety penalty  decision analysis
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