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李荣,陈莉,王平鲜 (贵州民族大学 理学院贵州 贵阳550025) 
中文关键词:过度离散  车险索赔次数数据  负二项模型  广义泊松模型
Simulation Study and Analysis of Overdispersion Data
Abstract:Aiming at the overdispersion problem of vehicle insurance claims data, based on numerical simulation method, this paper used Poisson model(Poisson), Negative Binomial model (NB), Generalized Poisson model(GP) to fit the vehicle insurance claims data with different degrees of overdispersion. Moreover, we compared the superiority of the three models with mean square error(MSE), average bias, AIC criterion, and BIC criterion. Finally, we got the superiority of three models and gave suggestions for selecting model in different conditions.
keywords:overdispersion  vehicle insurance claims data  negative binomial model  generalized Poisson model
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