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瞿尚薇,王斌会 (1.暨南大学 经济学院,广州510632
2.暨南大学 管理学院广州510632) 
中文关键词:遗传算法-粗糙集  逻辑回归  股票收益  公司财务
Research on Corporate Finance and Stock Investment Based on GA-RS-LR Algorithm
Abstract:To research the inner connection between the financial index system and the stock investment in 2014, data mining techniques of RS-Logit regression embedding genetic algorithm was applied. Through Rough Sets, the financial index system can be reduced by eliminating redundant variables. Local optima was successfully avoided by embedding Genetic Algorithm in RS reduction’s process. Furthermore, stepwise regression was applied to eliminate multi-collinearity of inputs, and Logit regression was established between the financial index system and the stock investment. The result shows that most indexes have positive effect on stock investment, except the ratio of debt and market price, with about 5.819% negative effect. 70% samples have a perfect forecast with data in 2015, which has enhanced the effect of this model.
keywords:GA-RS  Logit Regression  Stock Returns  Corporate Finance
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