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丛晓男 (中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究所,北京 100028) 
中文关键词:可计算一般均衡  常替代弹性  一阶条件  线性化
Linear Expression of CES Functions with Multi-Factors in CGE Solving
Abstract:Linearizing CES functions is usually a necessary step in solving the Computable General Equilibrium model. In accordance with the linearization method for CES function with two factors proposed by Gohin and Hertel (2003), the author put forward their derivation method for CES functions with two or more factors, and derived the linear expression for the CD function and Leontief function when the substitution elasticity approached to 1 and 0 respectively. These linear expressions were more general and would improve the model-building efficiency of CGE.
keywords:computable general equilibrium  constant elasticity of substitution  first order condition  linearization
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