引用本文:蔡宇宁1,黄创霞2,3 ,蔡圣华4,文凤华5 ,杨晓光3.人民币国际化与能源价格互动关系研究[J].经济数学,2015,(4):36-46
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蔡宇宁1,黄创霞2,3 ,蔡圣华4,文凤华5 ,杨晓光3 (1.中南大学商学院湖南 长沙 410083
2.长沙理工大学 数学与计算科学学院湖南 长沙 410114
3. 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院, 管理、决策与信息系统重点实验室北京 100190
4. 中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所北京 100190
5. 湖南城市学院商学院湖南 益阳 413002) 
中文关键词:人民币国际化  能源价格  能源计价
Interaction Relationship between RMB Internationalization and Energy Prices
Abstract:RMB internationalization has been widely concerned. Currency bounding in international commodity trade, especially in energy trade becomes a new way to be internationalized. Therefore studying the relationship between energy prices and the RMB internationalization is very important to further promote the internationalization of RMB. We took the Standard Chartered Bank global index as the RMB internationalization index, and used methods including cointegration, granger causality and impulse response analysis to discuss the interaction relationship between RMB internationalization and energy prices. Empirical results show that there is long-run equilibrium relationship between RMB internationalization and energy prices, and the change of short-term energy price has a positive impact on RMB internationalization index. Secondly, oil prices and domestic coal prices are the granger cause of RMB internationalization, while the RMB internationalization is only the granger cause of international coal price. Finally, the impulse response analysis shows that changes of energy price play positive roles in promoting the internationalization of RMB.
keywords:RMB internationalization  energy price  energy invoicing
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