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肖沛然 (武汉大学 经济与管理学院 ,湖北 武汉 430072) 
中文关键词:垄断利润  出租车行业  互联网专车服务  优化模型
Impacts on Monopoly of Taxi Industry from Online Tailored Taxi Service
Abstract:By mathematical modelling,it is clear that the monopoly of taxi industry does harm the consumers and the taxi drivers because their social welfare is reduced,and the monopoly profit is grabbed by taxi companies and government.Online tailored taxi service has displayed its power to break the monopoly by lower prices and better service. The results from the model analysis indicate that traditional taxi industry is faced with deep reform on the profit distribution among the tax drivers, consumers, taxi companies and government in order to realize an harmonious structure of taxi services.
keywords:monopoly profit  taxi industry  online tailored taxi service  optimization model
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