引用本文:向 华1,杨招军2,周伟峰3.条件风险下的两基金分离定理[J].经济数学,2015,(4):16-20
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向 华1,杨招军2,周伟峰3 (1.青岛农业大学 合作社学院 山东 青岛 266109
2.湖南大学 金融与统计学院 湖南 长沙 410079
3.青岛科技大学 数理学院 山东 青岛 266071) 
中文关键词:条件风险价值  正态分布  两基金分离定理  奇异
Two Fund Separation Theorem under The Condition at Risk
Abstract:Based on the rationality of the conditional value at risk as well as the important role of two fund separation theorem on securities investment, this paper analyzed the two fund separation theorem. For the portfolio with or without risk-free asset, we proved two fund separation theorem under the assumption that the portfolio return follows normal distribution. Further, we find that two fund separation theorem remains valid if the variance-covariance matrix is singular.
keywords:conditional value-at-risk  normal distribution  two fund separation theorem  singular
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