引用本文:朱佳欣1 ,孙玉华1*, 杨丽明2.具有非期望产出的随机DEA模型研究[J].经济数学,2015,(3):73-77
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朱佳欣1 ,孙玉华1*, 杨丽明2 (1.北京科技大学 数理学院 北京 海淀1000832.中国农业大学 理学院 北京 海淀100083) 
中文关键词:数据包络分析  非期望产出  随机性
Research on Stochastic DEA Model for Undesirable Outputs Evaluation
Abstract:In order to solve the evaluation problem with undesirable outputs and uncertain information, this paper established a stochastic DEA model with undesirable outputs. The model treats undesirable outputs as negative desirable outputs. Meanwhile, it introduces the desired value and the efficiency of the significant level to describe the stochastic problem. By using the knowledge of chance constrained programming, we derived a deterministic equivalent model, discussed the related properties of the optimal value of the model, and explained the relationship among the optimal value, the efficiency value and the significant level. Finally, numerical experiments were presented to illustrate the validity of the model.
keywords:data envelopment analysis(DEA)  undesirable outputs  stochastic
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