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李海霞,王祖和,修瑛昌,王根霞 (山东科技大学 经济管理学院山东青岛266590) 
中文关键词:建筑经济学  KMRW模型  博弈论  投标报价  均衡分析
Construction Project Bid Cooperation Equilibrium Analysis on KMRW Model of Incomplete Information
Abstract:Based on the principle of Game theory of KMRW reputation model with incomplete information, this paper established repeated dynamic game model of construction project bidding between two bidders. By setting irrational probability of two bidders, we analyzed and solved the perfect Bayesian equilibrium of the model and got the principle of the balance of cooperation between two bidders in a finite number of repeated Game theory.
keywords:Building economics  KMRW model  Game theory  bid  equilibrium analysis
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