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杨帅羽,向洪金,戴志洋 (湖南师范大学 商学院湖南 长沙410000) 
中文关键词:产业经济学  产能过剩  混合寡占竞争模型  国有企业
Allowance, Nationalization of Coefficient and the Excess Capacity of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises
Abstract:In recent years Chinaese overcapacity problem is increasingly serious, so resolving the problem has become the priority among priorities after 18th CPC National Congress .Constructing mixed oligopoly competition model from the micro perspective can solve Chinaese overcapacity problem efficiently. Theoretical analysis shows that: 1)the government's adjustment to the allowance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and SOEs' nationalization coefficient can effectively solve the overcapacity problem of private enterprises; 2)In China, SOEs indeed choose excess capacity, and the government can resolve the problem effectively by reducing the allowance of SOEs and adjusting SOEs' nationalization coefficient.
keywords:industrial economics  excess capacity  mixed oligopoly competition model  state-owned enterprises
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