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张新立,张恰元,何丽红,董婷婷 (辽宁师范大学 数学学院 辽宁 大连116029) 
中文关键词:博弈论  合作行为  合作演化博弈  囚徒困境  异质性
The Cooperative Evolutionary Game Model of Prisoner’s Dilemma under Agent Heterogeneity
Abstract:This paper studied prisoner's dilemma model under agent heterogeneity by evolutionary game theory, solved evolutionary stable strategy under different conditions, and analyzed how the agent heterogeneity affects the evolutionary stable strategy. It points out that the cooperative behavior of evolutionary stable strategy will be increased with the addition of the difference of agent heterogeneity. Extremely, cooperation is the unique dominant strategy when the difference of agent heterogeneity approaches to infinite. It provides reasonable explanation that the most cooperative system can maintain a long-term cooperative stable state in the real world.
keywords:game theory  cooperative behavior  cooperative evolutionary game  prisoner’s dilemma  heterogeneity
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