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杨贝贝,刘懿 (湖南大学 经济与贸易学院湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:劳动力老化  劳动生产率  固定效应  人力资本
The Impact of Labor Force Aging on Productivity Performance
Abstract:The direct impact of population aging on economy is the effects of labor force aging on productivity. Involving the C-D econometric model framework based on a standard production function, by using provincial panel data and fixed effects estimation method, this paper studied the impact of labor force aging on the productivity performance in the whole China and the different regions of the country. The empirical result shows that labor force aging has a significant negative impact on productivity in China. Additionally, the negative impact is stronger in the coastal areas. Therefore, in order to alleviate the negative impact of the labor force aging on productivity, we may work from the following aspects: firstly, to keep the low birth rate and appropriately relax the population policy; secondly, to develop education, especially the education and training system for older workforce; thirdly, to guide population migration rationally and realize the advantages of population age structure complementing between regions.
keywords:Labor Force Aging  Productivity  Fixed Effect  Human Capital
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