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罗琰1,2,刘晓星2 (1.南京审计学院 理学院江苏 南京211815
2.东南大学 经济与管理学院江苏 南京211189) 
中文关键词:模型风险  微分博弈  投资组合  鞅测度
Optimal Investment Based on Stochastic Differential Game
Abstract:This paper studied the problem of optimal investment with model risk via stochastic differential game approach. Suppose that nature is a "fictitious" player of game, the problem is represented as the two-player zero-sum stochastic differential game between the nature and investor. Through solving HJBI equations, this paper derived the closed-form expressions of optimal strategies of the investor and the optimal value function under the complete market and incomplete market with stochastic income respectively via stochastic game approaches. The results indicate that the amount of optimal investment on risky asset is zero in complete market,but the amount of optimal investment on risky asset is the negative ratio between the income flow volatility and risky asset volatility in incomplete market.
keywords:model risk  differential game  portfolio  martingale measure
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