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龙永红 (中国人民大学 信息学院数学系北京100872) 
中文关键词:拍卖  常相对风险厌恶  比较静态  风险中性等价  定价结构
The Comparative Static and Pricing Structure of Multi-Unit Discriminatory Auctions with Constant Relative Risk-aversion Bidders
Abstract:This paper considered multi-unit discriminatory auctions with constant relative risk-aversion bidders, and explored the special structure of its equilibrium strategy and how the risk preferences of the bidders, also the distributions of bidders' value influenced the equilibrium bids. By introducing the concept of risk-neutral equivalent distribution, the case of constant relative risk-aversion was transformed into the case of risk-neutral. This transformation enables us to combine the influences of the risk preferences and distributions upon the bids to get an equivalent condition for the comparative relation. The situations in which different bidders have different constant relative risk-aversions shows that the equilibrium bids depend linearly on risk reference parameters. Based on this pricing structure, this paper introduced the concepts of "demanded surplus", "competition surplus" and "risk-aversion surplus", and finds that the first one can be decomposed to be the algebraic sum of the latter two.
keywords:auctions  constant relative risk-aversion  comparative static  risk-neutral equivalence  pricing structure
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