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李应求,李依帆 (长沙理工大学 数学与计算科学学院,长沙 湖南 410004) 
中文关键词:创业板  内部人交易  择时行为  信息优势
Market Timing Behavior of the GEM EnterprisesInsider Trading in China
Abstract:Using the GEM enterprises insiders transactions dates in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange from January 1, 2012 to December 31,2013,we considered the relationships between the GEM company insider trading and information advantage from both the direct and indirect perspective. From the indirect perspective, we got that sell transactions of the GEM companies insiders had the predictive ability on the future trend of the stock to obtain excess returns; while buying transaction did not have a significant timing selection capacity and could not get a positive excess return, which is similar with the listed companies of the main board; thereinto the small-scale buying transaction of the GEM companies insiders can get long-term excess returns, which is different with listed companies of the main board. From the direct perspective, we found GEM company insiders' sell trading made full use of the advantages of the valuation judgment to seize the high valuation bias cash market opportunities, which is similar with the listed companies of the main board; And GEM listed companies insiders' buying trading decisions had no relationship with valuation judgment and performance prediction these two types of information superiority, which is different from the characteristics of the listed companies of the main board.
keywords:GEM  insider trading  market timing behavior  information superiority
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