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唐智波,钟根元 (上海交通大学 安泰经济与管理学院上海 200052) 
中文关键词:上下游  古诺竞争  斯塔克伯格竞争  反倾销税率
Optimal Anti-dumping Duty Rate Based on Upstream and Downstream Industry under Static and Dynamic Game
Abstract:Anti-dumping (AD) has gradually become the main measure to protect the domestic industry permitted by WTO. The determination of optimal AD duty rate has been paid special attention by domestic firms and governments. Based on market structure of upstream and downstream industry, this paper established the optimal models of AD duty rate by means of backward induction in game theory, which are used to impose import surtax on the intermediate and final goods, on the conditions that the foreign and domestic upstream and downstream firms pursue the profit maximization, and the domestic government pursues the maximization of domestic social welfare, and the foreign and domestic downstream firms involve Stackelberg competition and the foreign and domestic upstream firms involve Cournot competition. Meanwhile, this paper examined the factors which affect AD duty rate used by the domestic government. The conclusion made in this paper provides reference to dealing with dumping and AD issues faced by domestic firms and government.
keywords:upstream and downstream  Cournot competition  Stackelberg competition  anti-dumping duty rate
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