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张超权,刘晓辉 (桂林航天工业学院理学部 广西 桂林 541004) 
中文关键词:风险过程  首达时  Laplace变换  积分-微分方程
The First Passage Times in the MAP Risk Process Allow Deficit
Abstract:As a special enterprise allow deficit, an insurance company's solvency is constrained by the supervision department. In this paper, we studied the various First Passage Times (FPTs) of the insurance company allow deficit. We described a MAP risk model in stochastic environment, in which, the claims arrive according to a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP), and the distributions of the claim sizes are modulated by the background Markov process. A system of integro-differential equations with boundary conditions was derived and solved. We obtained the matrix expressions for the Laplace transforms of some first times that the surplus process reaches a given threshold from the initial level, and the expressions of the probabilities that the surplus process reaches a given threshold from the initial level were also derived.
keywords:risk process  first passage times  Laplace transform  integro-differential equation
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