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陈彦晖 (上海海事大学 经济与管理学院上海 201306) 
Forecasting Hang Seng Implied Volatility Index Based on ARMA-GARCH Model and Its Application in Option Trading
Abstract:This paper investigated whether the implied volatility index can be predicted with mean-reversion, spillover effect and day-of-week effect by using ARMA-GARCH model. The results show that Hong Kong Stock market is mean-reversion and S&P 500 index shows significant spillover effect to VHSI. Refer to the day-of-week effect, Hang Seng implied volatility Index (VHSI) tends to rise on Mondays and decline on Fridays. Finally, this research explores whether the prediction of implied volatility can provide additional value to practitioners and retail investors alike. The result suggests that option trading based on volatility prediction is practical for option traders.
keywords:implied volatility index  ARMA-GARCH  mean-reversion  spillover effect  day-of-week effect
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