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朱慧明,苗坤,彭成,游万海,庞跃华 (湖南大学 工商管理学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:非线性关系  面板平滑转换模型  MCMC抽样算法  贝叶斯分析  白银期货
Nonlinear Relationship between Non-precious Metals and Silver Futures Market: A Bayesian Panel Smooth Transition Regression Approach
Abstract:Using Bayesian panel smooth transition model, this paper investigated the possible nonlinear relationship between non-precious metal price and silver futures price based on monthly prices ranging from 13, August 2012 to 16, September 2013. Using gold futures price as threshold variable, the results indicate that there exists a time-varying nonlinear relationship between copper, aluminum and rebar price and silver futures price. Therefore, from a policy perspective, the investor can evaluate the investment value of silver futures more effectively according to non-precious metal price, and then improve the scientificity of investment decision.
keywords:nonlinear relationship  panel smooth transition model  MCMC sampling algorithm  Bayesian analysis  silver futures
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