引用本文:郑 莹 1,2 ,马 明 2.M函数的极限性质[J].经济数学,2014,(3):92-93
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郑 莹 1,2 ,马 明 2 (1.西北民族大学 财务处甘肃 兰州 730030 2.西北民族大学 数学与计算机科学学院甘肃 兰州 730030) 
中文关键词:M函数  截断δ冲击模型标值过程  滤过泊松过程  极限性质
The Limit Properties of M Function
Abstract:M function is a special kind of series, which is often used to calculate the life distribution of shock model. This paper mainly discussed the limitation of M function when its’ parameters δ and x tend to infinity and zero, then obtained three properties of M function. And a concise proof for the first moment of filtered Poisson process was given by using the limit properties of M function.
keywords:M function  marked process of truncated δ-shock model  filtered Poisson process  limit properties
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