引用本文:魏光兴 1 ,林 强 2 ,吴 庆 3.随机需求下双渠道供应链的改进回购契约协调[J].经济数学,2014,(3):54-58
摘要点击次数: 1312
全文下载次数: 81
魏光兴 1 ,林 强 2 ,吴 庆 3 (1.重庆交通大学 管理学院,重庆 4000742.重庆第二师范学院,重庆 4000673.电子科技大学 经济管理学院四川 成都 610054) 
中文关键词:双渠道供应链  回购契约  随机需求  Stackelberg博弈
A New Buy-Back Contract Coordinating Dual-Channel Supply Chain under Stochastic Demand
Abstract:The conflict between the manufacturer and the retailer except the double marginalization is an important issue in order to coordinate the dual-channel supply chain. By developing a dual-channel supply chain model with a manufacturer and a retailer under the Stackelberg game theory, this paper designed a new buy-back contract, which incorporates the parameter describing the share of effort cost. And the result shows that, as long as the value of the contract parameters meet certain conditions, the dual-channel supply chain can achieve coordination. The research conclusion has a certain theoretical and practical value.
keywords:dual-channel supply chain  buy-back contract  stochastic demand  Stackelberg game
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