引用本文:费 威.基于不同产品质量安全水平的企业生产决策优化及相应消费者效用[J].经济数学,2014,(3):43-53
摘要点击次数: 1332
全文下载次数: 104
费 威 (东北财经大学 数学与数量经济学院 辽宁 大连 116025) 
中文关键词:质量安全水平  生产决策优化  消费者效用
The Enterprises’ Production Decision Optimization and Its Consumers’ Utility Based on Different Product’s Quality and Safety Level
Abstract:Based on different consumers’ expectations for the average quality and safety level, when the enterprise can select to produce the high or low quality and safety level, this paper built the models of the profit maximization in the perfect monopoly market and the perfect competition market, and analyzed the output and the profit of the enterprise, and the consumers’ utility comparatively. The sensitivity of the quality and safety level for the consumers, the sensitivity of the demand price, the high quality and safety level, and the low quality and safety level have an effect on these decisions. According to China’s national conditions, this paper provided the reference and the enlightenment for the promotion of the quality and safety level.
keywords:quality and safety level  production decision optimization  consumers’ utility
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