引用本文:李 理, 徐长乐.民生工程下老城区改造费用分摊对策——以旧房加装电梯为例[J].经济数学,2014,(3):26-29
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李 理, 徐长乐 (华东师范大学 城市和区域科学学院 上海 200241) 
中文摘要:本文针对民生工程中旧房加装电梯费用分摊的问题, 利用合作对策理论建立了一个模型. 为了合理分配全体合作的收益,合作对策理论中必须对对任何一个部分参与者的合作都定义收益. 但是在旧房加装电梯工程中,部分参与者的合作是不可能进行的,故无收益可言. 为此,本文所建立的模型实际上包含一个虚拟的合作收益函数, 使之符合合作分配公理体系,进而可以确定收益的分配,再由此确定费用的分摊比例,所得到的结论近似于按楼梯比例来计算.
中文关键词:加装电梯  费用分摊  合作对策
The Way to Deal with Cost of Remaking Old Town in the People’s Livelihood Projects——Installing Elevators for Old Buildings
Abstract:This paper discusses how to distribute the cost of remaking old town in the people’s livelihood projects such as installing elevators for old buildings. The tool for us is the theory of cooperative games. However, in the theory, each partial cooperation should have a characteristic value (profit of coalition), but in our problem, partial coalition does not work. Our model in fact contains an invented characteristic function of coalitions such that the axiom system is satisfied. Our result suggested to distribute the cast by counting the numbers of stairs.
keywords:installing elevators  distribute cast  cooperative games
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