引用本文:郑 军,金晓雨,安琬姣.基于CCAPM框架的财富不平等与房价关系研究[J].经济数学,2014,(3):1-8
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郑 军,金晓雨,安琬姣 (中山大学岭南学院广东 广州 510275) 
中文关键词:财富分配  房价高企  CCAPM  动态优化  HJB方程
The Research on the Relation between Wealth Inequality and Housing Price Based on the CCAPM
Abstract:According to the CCAPM including the houses, this paper analyzed the effect of the wealth (or income) distribution upon house prices considering the house as both consumer goods and investment goods,and explained the source of China’s high housing price via numerical simulation. The conclusions show that China’s high housing price is due to the uneven distribution of wealth, as the degree of wealth inequality exacerbated causing houses shift from consumer goods to investment goods and thus pushing up prices. This paper also analyzed the impact of the wealth distribution upon residents’ consumption structure, the rising degree of inequality in wealth distribution decreased the proportion of the poor people’s housing consumption and accreted the proportion of the rich people’s housing investment, and thus pushed up prices. Finally, this paper points out that the key to regulate China’s real estate market price is to consider a proper wealth (or income) distribution and clear property rights.
keywords:wealth distribution  high housing price  CCAPM  dynamic optimization  HJB equation
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