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陈红兵 (天水师范学院 数统学院 甘肃 天水 741001) 
中文摘要:首先建立了一类具有时滞的金融模型, 该模型以累计利润额为关键因素, 接着以τ为参考元素研究了该模型的稳定性及Hopf 分叉. 发现当τ变化时, 该系统的稳定性会发生变化, 该模型会在某一确定值处出现Hopf 分叉. 最后用中心流形定理和规范型方法研究分叉周期解的稳定性.
中文关键词:时滞  Hopf 分叉  金融系统
The Stability of a Financial System with Time Delay
Abstract:Taking the cumulative profits as the key elements, the financial system was investigated. Then, by introducing a delay as a bifurcation parameter, it is found that Hopf bifurcation occurs when τ crosses some critical values. Further, the stability and Hopf bifurcation of the periodic solution were studied. The method used is the center manifold method and normal form theory .
keywords:time delay  Hopf bifurcation  financial system
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