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曾湘宇 (对外经济贸易大学 国际商学院,北京 100029) 
中文关键词:多项式模型  递推最小二乘法  数据拟合  预测
Research on Polynomial Prediction Model Based on RLS Algorithm and Its Applications
Abstract:In order to improve the prediction accuracy of economic statistical data, modeling method of algebraic polynomial prediction model was put forward. In the proposed method, the given economic statistic data was fitted by algebraic polynomial model based on recursive least squares (RLS), in which the optimal weighted coefficients were obtained through recursive calculation, and then the future data was computed by the obtained optimal polynomial model. This paper took the actual statistical data as an example to carry on simulation calculation. The research results show that the proposed method can fit the statistical data in high accuracy, and has good prediction ability. Therefore, it will have broad application prospects in the economic field.
keywords:polynomial model  recursive least squares (RLS)  data fitting  forecasting
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