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刘念平 (西南交通大学 经济管理学院四川 成都 610031) 
中文摘要:在Bala and Goyal (2000)提出的双向流网络形成模型基础上,研究当个体存在异质性时对纳什网络存在性的影响.分别针对几种不同的环境设定下的个体异质性进行研究,发现个体的连接成本异质性是决定纳什网络存在性的重要因素;但相较于个体的连接成本而言,连接价值的异质性对纳什网络存在性的影响不大.
中文关键词:网络形成  纳什网络  异质性  非合作博弈
Existence of Nash Networks with Heterogeneous Players
Abstract:The importance of heterogeneity in the existence of Nash networks was explained by using the two-way flow model of network formation initiated by Bala and Goyal (2000). Furthermore, the heterogeneity of link costs in different settings was examined and it is found find that the heterogeneity of link costs plays a crucial role in the existence of Nash networks. However, the heterogeneity of values is not as important as that of link costs.
keywords:Network formation  Nash networks  Heterogeneity  Non-cooperative Games
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