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祝昱丰,陶亚民 (上海交通大学 安泰经济与管理学院,上海 200052) 
中文关键词:股权激励  机会主义行为  时机选择  盈余报告
The Timing of Public Disclosure of Equity Incentive Plans by China Listed Companies
Abstract:This article selected 245 listed companies in China which disclosed an equity incentive plan between January 2008 and December 2012 for the first time. Event study methodology was used in testing the average cumulative abnormal return around the disclosure. The result shows that, even without regard to the short-term market effect of an equity incentive plan, the public disclosure of the plan was more likely to appear at the bottom of the stock price, indicating that the timing was well chosen by the management board. Further study indicates that the management board would choose the public disclosure date by using their superiority in earnings information.
keywords:equity incentive  opportunistic behavior  timing of disclosure  earnings announcement
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