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钟丙贵 (南京大学 工程管理学院江苏 南京 210093) 
中文关键词:理财产品  定价  结构型产品
Research on Distribution of Expected Return of a Class of Structured Financial Product with Capital Protection
Abstract:This paper comprehensively used Fourier transform, Complex Variables and Probability theory to study a class of structured product with capital protection. The result shows that the theoretical price of structured product with capital protection is not a monotonous function of underlying asset, and as the volatility of underlying asset changes from 0 to 1 , the theoretical price of the structured product will decrease first, then increase. When the volatility of underlying asset is large enough, the return rate of the product is lower than the return rate of fixed deposits with the same term.
keywords:financial product  pricing  structured product.
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