FC模 型视角下基础设施建设与工业区位分布
引用本文:伍文中,郭子忠,丁全忠.FC模 型视角下基础设施建设与工业区位分布[J].经济数学,2013,(4):100-105
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伍文中,郭子忠,丁全忠 (河北金融学院河北 保定 071051) 
中文关键词:基础设施  工业区位  FC模型
Infrastructure Construction and Industrial Location Distribution:under FC Model
Abstract:The initial industrial location theory paid too much attentions on the influence of infrastructure number on industry distribution, often neglecting the influence of infrastructure efficiency.Based on this, this paper mainly studied how government infrastructure construction affects regional industrial distribution patterns.By the extending FC model, the studies have found it is not the number of infrastructure but infrastructure efficiency that affected the distribution of industrial location.The study found infrastructure efficiency affected the mobility between northern and Southern labor, which influences the regional distribution of industry.The infrastructure is not the fatal in poor areas, but the efficiency is fatal.
keywords:infrastructure, industrial location, FC models
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