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尹亚仙,魏光兴 (重庆交通大学 管理学院重庆 400074) 
中文关键词:Nash讨价还价  报童模型  回购契约  公平偏好  供应链协调
The Supply Chain Coordination Considering Fairness Preference Based on Buy-Back Contract
Abstract:A two-stage supply chain that contains one supplier and one retailer was studied based on the Newsvendor model.The fairness preference was introduced into buy-back contract.Also, a framework of fairness preference was established according to the theory game of Nash bargaining.This paper studied the effect of fairness preference on the decision of the supply chain through building the utility function.And the results reflect that the fairness preference will not affect the coordination of the buy-back contract, the retailer's optimal order quantity will not change.Moreover, even the supplier doesn't know the retailer’s degree of fairness preference, he can also design a wholesale price and a buy-back price to achieve utility maximization.Also, the numerical analysis shows that the retailer's optimal order quantity will increase as the cost increases when considering fairness preference.
keywords:Nash bargaining  newsvendor model  buy-back contract  fairness preference  supply chain coordination
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