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林穗华 (广西民族师范学院 数学与计算机科学系广西 崇左 532200) 
中文关键词:无约束优化  谱共轭梯度法  下降性  全局收敛
A New Spectral Conjugate Gradient Method for Unconstrained Optimization and Its Convergence
Abstract:Strong Wolfe line search conditions cannot guarantee the global convergence of standard CD conjugate gradient method.A new spectral conjugate gradient method for unconstrained optimization was proposed.This method is the same as the standard CD method when the line search is exact.Moreover, the corresponding algorithm was proved to be descent and globally convergent if the Wolfe line search is used.Preliminary numerical results show that the new method is efficent, suitable for solving nonlinear unconstrained optimization problems.
keywords:unconstrained optimization  spectral conjugate gradient method  descent property  global convergence
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