引用本文:王继霞 1,2 ,肖庆宪 1.局部平稳短期利率扩散模型的半参数估计[J].经济数学,2013,(4):17-20
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王继霞 1,2 ,肖庆宪 1 (1.上海理工大学 管理学院上海 2000932.河南师范大学 数学与信息科学学院河南 新乡 453007) 
中文关键词:局部平稳  扩散模型  加权最小二乘估计  相合性  渐近正态性
Semi-Parametric Estimations for Local Stationary Short-Term Interest Diffusion Model
Abstract:This paper studied semi-parametric estimations of local stationary diffusion model.Firstly, based on local constant fitting, the estimations of drift parametric functions were gained by using local weighted least squares method.Moreover, the estimation of the diffusion function was proposed by using forward Kolmogorov equation.Secondly, the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimations proposed were discussed, respectively.Finally,it is shown that the estimations are effective through a simulation study.
keywords:local stationary  diffusion model  weighted least squares method  consistency  asymptotic normality
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