农产品价格上涨与通胀因果关系的实证研究——基于SUR模型和GIRF 方法的组合研究
引用本文:王上铭.农产品价格上涨与通胀因果关系的实证研究——基于SUR模型和GIRF 方法的组合研究[J].经济数学,2013,(4):9-16
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王上铭 (华中科技大学 经济学院湖北 武汉 430074) 
中文关键词:似无关回归模型  广义脉冲响应函数  组合研究  因果关系
Empirical Study on the Causality Relation between the Rise of Agricultural Prices and Inflation ——Combinatorial Study Based on the SUR Model and GIRF
Abstract:Due to the limitations of the Granger causality test, the transmission direction of causality relation between the rising of agricultural products prices and inflation is in dispute.Therefore, this paper used the combinatorial study framework, including seemingly unrelated regression model and generalized impulse response function, to study empirically the causality relation between the rising of agricultural products prices and inflation.Firstly, a statistic constructed by the seemingly unrelated regression model was used to test the existence of the mechanisms.Secondly, in the presence of two-way transmission mechanisms between the rising of agricultural products prices and inflation, the generalized impulse response function was used to compare the significance of the transmission mechanisms.The conclusion shows that the rising of agricultural products prices resulting in inflation is more significant.
keywords:seemingly unrelated regression model  generalized impulse response function  combinatorial study  causality
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