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罗琰12,刘晓星1 (1.东南大学 经济与管理学院江苏 南京211189
2.南京审计学院 数学与统计学院江苏 南京211815) 
中文关键词:风险厌恶  委托-代理  监督
A Principal Agent Model Based on Double Risk Aversion with Supervision
Abstract:This paper studied the principal agent problem in the case of principal and agent bilateral risk aversion with supervision. The conclusions show that the risk sharing coefficient is an increasing function of the principal’s risk aversion level, but it is a decreasing function of the agent’s risk aversion level. The agent’s level of effort is a decreasing function of risk aversion level.The existence of the supervision measures improve the incentive intensity to agent.
keywords:risk averse  principal agent  supervision
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