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王丙参1,魏艳华1,孙永辉2 (1.天水师范学院 数学与统计学院甘肃 天水741001 2.河海大学 能源与电气学院,江苏 南京210098) 
中文关键词:  交易费  投资组合  可容许策略  消费过程
Maximization of Expected Utility of Personal Investment and Consumption Model
Abstract:This paper studied the problem of an agent with an initial endowment, who can consume or invest in a standard complete market with transaction costs. It set up the investment consumption model of continuous time by using function of transaction costs.By using the duality theory and the martingal theory , it proves that aggressive bargain will reduce the expectations of terminal assets in a complete viable market with transaction costs,but will get the optimal investment consumption process and terminal assets.
keywords:martingal  transaction costs  portfolio  admissible strategy
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