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刘圆,杨湘豫 (湖南大学 数学与计量经济学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:二元正态Copula模型  Garch(1,1)模型  局部变结构点
An Empirical Study on Diagnosis of Local Variable Structure Points of Copula
Abstract:Based on the unique advantages of the correlation of Copula function, we built a bivariate normal Copula model and presented the diagnostic methods of the local structural change point based on the time varying correlation coefficient. We used coal index and non ferrous metals index as the empirical sample,studied the time of occurrence of significant changes and analyzed the reasons. The results can be more keen to capture the movements of financial markets and to provide guidance for venture capital.
keywords:bivariate normal Copula model  Garch(1,1)model  local variable structure points
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