中国农业科技进步贡献率的测度及原因分析 ——基于CD生产函数
引用本文:陈挺,陈建华.中国农业科技进步贡献率的测度及原因分析 ——基于CD生产函数[J].经济数学,2013,(3):46-50
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陈挺,陈建华 (中央财经大学 财政学院北京市 100081) 
中文关键词:农业科技进步  农业科技进步贡献率  C D生产函数
Measurement and Analysis of Contribution Rate of Agricultural Science and Technology in China——Based on the CD Production Equation
Abstract:Based on the agricultural data from the year of 1985-2011, we used C D production function to estimate the agricultural S&T contribution rate, then analyzed the reasons why it was lagging behind the major developed countries, and made policy recommendations in a targeted manner. We hope that these measures can promote the transformation from the traditional agriculture to the contemporary agriculture.
keywords:agricultural S&T progress  agricultural S&T contribution rate  C D production function
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