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杨仕辉,翁蔚哲 (暨南大学 经济学院广东 广州510632) 
中文关键词:FDI  企业选址  环境规制  进入壁垒
The Game of Corporate Relocation and Environmental Regulation under Foreign Direct Investment
Abstract:A duopoly game model under high and low entry barriers was established. Using the way of backward induction, the critical condition of host country's environmental regulation and the relocation choice of outflow country's corporation was obtained. The results show that, in the context of high entry barriers, the corporation may choose not to relocate. Considering the positive externalities of FDI and the higher spillover effects, host country may reduce the level of environmental regulations in order to attract FDI enterprises to enter. However, the global environmental damage is greater in terms of the environment. In low entry barriers industries, the host government's choice of raising the level of environmental regulation is its dominant strategy, which is a Pareto improvement for the host country and the world.
keywords:FDI  corporate relocation  environmental regulation  entry barriers
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