引用本文:王雪峰1, 余聪1, 金浩1,2.含结构变点无限方差序列的伪回归检验[J].经济数学,2013,(2):85-91
摘要点击次数: 1203
全文下载次数: 153
王雪峰1, 余聪1, 金浩1,2 (1.西安科技大学 理学院, 西安710054
2.西安科技大学 博士后流动站, 西安710054) 
中文关键词:伪回归  无限方差序列  t检验  结构变点
Spurious Regression Tests for Infinite-Variance Sequence with Structural Breaks
Abstract:This paper analyzed a spurious regression involving infinite-variance processes in the presence of structural breaks by the least squares method using asymptotic theory. It is found that, when we regress two independent infinite-variance sequences with breaks in the level and the sum of tail indexes of the two sequences is less than 1.5, no matter whether the breaks occur at different points or not, the t-ratios become divergent and spurious phenomenon happens. The intuition behind this is that structural breaks can increase persistency in the level of regression errors, which then leads to spurious regressions. Simulation reveals that the effects of spurious regression depend on the tailed index, and to the relative location of breaks with the sample. As a result, spurious rejects might occur more often than what previously believed that they can arise even between infinite-variance series with structural breaks.
keywords:spurious regression  infinite-variance sequence  t-ratios  structural breaks
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