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王璐 (西南交通大学 数学学院统计系,四川 成都610031) 
中文关键词:股市  债市  波动溢出效应  马尔科夫体制转换
The Quantitive Research on The Markov Regime Switching on the Volatility Spillover Between Stock Market and Bond Market
Abstract:After smoothing correlation coefficient was used to describe the strength on volatility spillover, and the markov switching ARMA(1,1) was shown to be the best fit model to describe the regime switching on volatility spillover. The changes in the above fitted model parameters were proved to be significant by LR test.Then, the trend of the strength on volatility spillover was forecast by the algorithm about probability extrapolation. The results show that the regime switching between stock market and bond market is asymmetric and the duration of “positive correlation” state is longer.
keywords:stock market  bond market  volatility spillover  Markov regime switching
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