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王波 (浙江广播电视大学 工商学院浙江 宁波315016) 
中文关键词:预定利率  多种利率  寿险费率计算  线性规划
The Calculation Model for Life Insurance s under Multiple Interest Rates
Abstract:In order to calculate the life insurance rates under multiple interest rates,a linear programming model was established. According to the model, we can arrange the investment term of premium funds rationally and achieve the maximum insurance interest, which provides the basis for calculating premium rates and dividend. We list the calculated results of two typical life insurance products, which shows that the calculation of life insurance rates mainly depends on the long-term interest rate. For saving-type life insurance, the funds should be used mainly through long-term investment, and the dividend level can be determined by the difference between the long-term interest rate and the assumed interest rate.
keywords:assumed interest rate  multiple interest rates  life insurance rates calculation  linear programming
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