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魏征,王亚民 (西安电子科技大学 经济与管理学院陕西 西安710071) 
中文关键词:闭环供应链  博弈论  收入共享契约  供应链协调
Coordination Mechanism for Closed-Loop Supply Chain Contract on the View of Game Theory
Abstract:Based on the game theory,for a closed-loop supply chain with the third party responsible for recycle, this paper discussed how each node chooses the pricing strategy to achieve individual and the whole system profit maximization. On the basis of the traditional revenue-sharing contract coordination mechanisms,this paper put forward an improved algorithm so that each node and the whole supply chainprofit can be all improved.At last,a concrete example verified the rationality of the algorithm.
keywords:closed-loop supply chain  game theory  revenue sharing contract  supply chain coordination
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