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郭菊花,高作峰,宋莎莎,杨纱纱,王杰 (燕山大学 理学院,河北秦皇岛066004) 
中文关键词:模糊合作对策  模糊联盟  广义分配  广义核心  广义稳定集
Abstract:This paper researched the cooperative game with transferable utility(TU) dynamic fuzzy alliance by means of fuzzy mathematics.The generalized cores of the cooperative game based on TU dynamic fuzzy alliance were given by adjusting the corresponding coefficients. Also, the relationships among them were discussed. A new method of distribution of this game was proposed, which keeps some of the value of the game and distributes only part of the total value. This study overcomes the deficiency of traditional cores for repeated fuzzy cooperative game in real application and provides a useful reference for redistribution in real life.
keywords:fuzzy cooperative game  fuzzy alliance  generalized imputations  generalized cores  generalized stable set
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