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陈一鸣1,吴艳1,2,祝奕炜1,阳立高1,3 (1.长沙理工大学 经济与管理学院湖南 长沙4101142.怀化学院 经济系湖南 怀化4180003.湖南大学 汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室,湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:高端工程机械产业  产业基地  评价体系
The Evaluation and Selection of High-Level Construction Machinery Industries Base in China
Abstract:The features of High-level Construction Machinery Industries Base were analyzed, the basic principles of selecting High-level Construction Machinery Industries Base were given, and an evaluation system of selecting High-level Construction Machinery Industries Base was set up and an effective method of comprehensive evaluating High-level Construction Machinery Industries Base by adopting Analytic Hierarchy Process was provided. The suggested evaluation system and the quantitative evaluation model were used in selecting High-level Construction Machinery Industries Base of China. The result shows that the bases should be set up in Xuzhou, Liuzhou and Changsha respectively if three High-level Construction Machinery Strategic Emerging Industries Bases will be established in China based on 10 existing High-levelConstruction Machinery Industry Clusters.
keywords:High-level Construction Machinery Industries  Industries Base  Evaluation System
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