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王献锋1,杨鹏1,林祥2 (1.西京学院 基础部, 陕西 西安710123
2.中南大学 数学与统计学院湖南 长沙410075) 
中文关键词:均值-方差准则  投资组合选择  马氏链  交易费用
Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection with Markov-Switching and Transaction Costs
Abstract:Under mean-variance criterion,we consider optimal investment portfolio selection problem for investor. The finance market is composed of a risk-free asset and n risky asset with jump, and we assume finance market has Markov-switching.When purchasing risky asset,we assume there exist transaction costs. Our main goal is to minimize the variance of the terminal wealth under the constraint that terminal wealth is equivalent to d, that is mean-variance portfolio selection problem.We apply stochastic control theory to solve this problem, and the efficient investment strategies as well as the mean-variance efficient frontier are then analytically derived.
keywords:Mean-variance criterion  investment portfolio selection  Markov chain  transaction costs
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