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费威1,2 (1.大连理工大学 管理科学与工程博士后流动站辽宁 大连1160242.东北财经大学 数学与数量经济学院辽宁 大连116025) 
中文关键词:最优质量  影响因素  制造商检验
Research on the Optimal Quality and Its Influencing Factors with the Inspection of the Manufacturer
Abstract:This paper carried out a research on the food supply chain consisting of a small and scattered supplier and a manufacturer, in which the manufacturer made the quality inspection for the raw material and the food. The optimization models were built with the quality of the supplier and the quality of the manufacturer as the decision variables, and the influencing factors were analyzed on the optimal quality and their effect for improving the food safety in our country. According to the conclusion, some suggestions were put forward, such as to improve the ability of consumers to identify the quality of food, and to play the role of supervision and inspection of the manufacturer in the supply chain.
keywords:the optimal quality  influencing factors  the inspection of the manufacturer
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