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李江涛1,张杨勋2,罗连化3 (1.广东技术师范学院广东 广州 5106622.华南师范大学广东 广州 5100063.中山大学广东 广州 510275) 
中文关键词:城乡收入差距  市场化  城镇化  空间动态模型
Marketization,Urbanization and Urban-rural Income Gap—Empirical Analysis Based on Spatial Dynamic Panel Model
Abstract:Based on the provincial panel data in 1997-2007, and by building the space dynamic model and utilizing the SCBB estimation method, this paper analyzed how China's marketization and urbanization processes affected the income gap between the urban and rural. The empirical results show that, in the current stage, urbanization and marketization is helpful to reduce the income gap between the areas urban and rural areas; that urbanization has an obvious effect on narrowing the income gap; and that market is also conducive to narrow the income gap. Spatial correlation reveals that the income gap between the urban and rural of adjacent provinces shows convergent trend.
keywords:urban-rural income gap  marketization  urbanization  spatial dynamic panel model
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